“Learn, grow, innovate and bring changes in the lives of other by technological advancements and enter the market not as a job seeker but as a job creator.”
With this motto in mind, the department of Computer Science and Applications was established in year 1999, when the IT revolution was in boom. The dawn of 2000, has witnessed a sharp increase in the demand of computer professionals around the globe. The department was established to bridge the gap and to produce highly skilled computer literates. The department offers computer education at a very affordable fee structure so that the youth in rural areas can be made technically strong and able to compete the global challenges.
The department is successfully running BCA course since 1999 and it also offers Computer Applications as optional subject for the students of BA and B.Sc. With the changing need of skilled manpower, the department in 2014 started B.Voc Multimedia (Graphics and Animation) course under Skill Development Initiative of Government of India. Apart from this, the department offers Courses in Non formal mode in Emerging technologies in IT, Cloud Computing and ICT in Education.
The department is well equipped with latest Hardware, Software and State-of Art Infrastructure. The department has 4 air-conditioned labs having around 100 computers. The department provides Internet facility through leased line and also provides guidance and support to other teaching and non-teaching departments of the college.

The department has 6 faculty members, which includes 4 Doctorates/2 UGC-NET qualified providing a blend of teaching and research environment. Faculty members also have high quality research publications in both National and International journals, conference proceedings and books with renowned publication houses. Teachers are also part of Academic Council/ Board of Studies for undergraduate programs of various universities and regularly take part in curriculum development and enhancement activities.
The department provides ample facilities for overall development of the students. The guest lectures, Seminars, Inter department/Inter Class competitions are conducted from time to time. To bridge the gap between Industry and Academia, Industrial Visits are conducted by the department. The department conducts its Annual Inter-department IT fest to horn the IT skills of the students, in which the students showcase their talent through Technical Presentations, Tech Rangoli and Poster Making Competitions.

The students of the department bought laurels by securing University positions. Many students were able to secure position in University’s topper list. Shreya of BCA (Batch 2017-20) had secured First Position in Panjab University
Activities Session 2024-25
A proud moment for A S College Khanna(Department of Computer Science and Applications) Stellar Performance of BCA V Semester students. Mukul Dhingra has got THIRD POSITION and MANYA has got FOURTH POSITION in Panjab University in examinations held in Dec 2024

2. Department of Computer Science and Applications of A.S. College, Khanna Organized Three Day Workshop on Python Programming in collaboration with Anu Infotech, Khanna from 19 th September, 2024 to 21 st September, 2024.

3. Computer Science and Application Department of A.S.College, Khanna organized an extension lecture on Moral Values and Professional Ethics for BCA Students on 13-09-2024.

4. The Computer Science and Application Department of A.S.College, Khanna celebrated International Programmers Day to celebrate the positive changes that programmers are making in our lives.

5. Head of Department, Dr. Vivek Bhambri delivered an Expert Talk on Cyber Security on 28-12-2024 in 10 days NSS Camp organized by NSS unit of A.S.College, Khanna.

6.Head of Department, Dr. Vivek Bhambri delivered an Expert Talk on Information Security and Data Mining on 05-01-2025 in 10 days NSS Camp organized by NSS unit of A.S.College of Education, Khanna.

Activities Session 2023-24
- Department of Computer Science and Applications, A.S. College, Khanna signed an MoU with Ansh Infotech, Ludhiana, through which the company will provide the trainings on latest technologies and will help the students to prepare themselves for better placements. This MoU will strengthen the Industry-Academia Interface is the need of the hour.

- The Computer Association of department of Computer Application of A.S. College Khanna organized an Extension Lecture on Cyber Security on 23rd Feb. 2024. The team members from Ansh Infotech, Ludhiana Mr. Anshu Aneja, Mr. Ashish Jalota and Mr. Gobind Singh delivered the lecture on latest trends in Cyber Security.

- Department of Computer Science of A.S.College, Khanna organized Inter Department IT Fest Synergy 2024. The event comprised of various competitions like Live Model Demonstration, Poster Competition and Test Your Programming Skills based on the theme of Information Technology and Environment. The students of BCA, BA/B.Sc (Computer Applications) participated in the event The results of the event are: {PIC III,IV}
Live Project: First: Parvesh Sharma, Navdeep Singh, Mohit, Indervir Singh [BCA III]
Second: Arshpreet Singh, Baljeet Singh [BCA I]
Still Project: First: Parchi Sharma, Vanshika, Meenakshi [BCA I]
Second: Janvi, Manya, Purnima [BCA II]
Third: Harshita, Lovepreet Kaur, Simaranjeet Kaur [BCA III]
Poster Making (Information Technology): First: Kritika Sharma [BCA I]
Second: Shekhar [B.Sc III], Variender [BCA III]
Third: Sheetal [BCA II], Roshni [BA I]
Poster Making (Environment): First: Danish [BCA II]
Second: Madhu [BCA I], Sukhdeep Singh [BCA II]
Celebration of Silver jubilee of Computer Department

Cyber Jagrukta Diwas on 06 October 2022

Our Team won Inter-College Competition @ Arya College, Ludhiana

Students Presenting Demo of Model Prepared by them

PU G-20 Activities in the month of february 2023

Students during Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) Camp

Student's interaction with PM on Pariksha pe Charcha

Poster Making Competition

Department of Computer Science & Applications Activities 2021-22
1. The department signed MOU with Anu Infotech , Khanna for training and placement of the students. The MoU will help the students of the department in skill development and will provide a platform for Student Academia Interface. Students will learn latest technologies available in the market.

2. The Guest Lectures for the students of B.Voc Multimedia(Graphics and Animation) were conducted by faculty from Anu Infortech, Khanna. The students learnt about various animation softwraes, Photoshop, Flash,3d Max.

3. The department facilitated the conduct of Online Launch of State Admission Portal and Unified Admission Helpline number 1100 by then Chief Minister Capt Amrinder Singh through Video Conference on 19-08-2021. The faculty members from various departments of the college and office staff attended the event.
4. The department conducted course on Emerging Technologies in IT for the students of BCA III in Non-formal Mode. The students were made aware of latest IT technologies like Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Grid Computing and Image Processing. This course was a perfect blend of theoretical and practical sessions. The course was conducted by Dr. Vivek Bhambri, Dr. Rajan Manro, Prof Sharda Rani and Prof. Priya Dhir.
5. The department organized intra department IT competition, on Test Your C/C++ Skills
6. The Computer Association of department of computer application of A.S. College Khanna organized an Industrial Visit for the students of BCA and B. Voc Multimedia (Graphics and Animation) on 30th May, 2022. 55 students visited IT Based company CS Infotech at Mohali and got the first hand exposure of the actual working of the company. The students visited the various departments and related the theoretical knowledge got in the class with the actual Industry Scenerio.

7. The Computer Association of department of Computer Application of A.S. College Khanna organized an Extension Lecture on the topic Rise of Machines: Future of AI on 2nd June, 2022. The resource Person of the day was Dr. Suresh Kaswan, Prof and Dean, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh,

8. The department of computer application of A.S. College Khanna organized Synergy 2022 on 2nd June,2022. The event comprises of various IT based competitions like Tech Rangoli, PPT presentations and Digital Poster making competitions. The students of BCA, B.Voc (Multimedia) and BA/B Sc (Computer Applications) participated in the various events. The event was organized to provide the students a platform to think out of box ideas and to break the monotony of class room teaching. All events were related to computers and through these events the students conveyed the message to conserve resources to save the mother earth and how technology can be used for the betterment of human beings

Faculty Accomplishments
Dr. Vivek Bhambri
Attended Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Environment Science from 21.02.2022 to 05.03.2022 at Human Resource Development Centre, Guru Jambheswar University, Hissar
Dr. A.K.Panghal
Published a book Chapter in Emerging Trend in Information Technology(IT), Rubikon Publication, Bloomsbury Square, London(England)-2022
Attended Refresher Course on ICT from 12.07.2022 to 25.07.2022 at Human Resource Development Centre, Gujrat University, Ahmdebad(Gujrat)
Dr. Rajan Manro
Got the Elsevier Reviewer Certificate in recognition of the review contributed to the Journal of Innovation and Knowledge (Feburary 2022)
Participated in UGC Sponsered Faculty Induction Programme from June 14, 2022 to July 11, 2022 at Human Resource Development Centre, University of Lucknow.
Prof. Sharda Rani
Attended one week FDP on "Machine Learning for Internet of Things(IOT),Natural Language Processing & Computer Vision" organised by Department of Computer Sc & Engg, Jaypee University of Information Technology,Noida from 16.08.2021 to 21.08.2021
Presented and published a research paper in National Conference on 25 May 2022
Attended UGC Sponsored Faculty Induction Program from 04.07.2022 to 06.08.2022 at Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University(AMU), Aligarh(UP)