The Department of Music offers Music(Vocal) as one of the discipline subjects in the BA programme course. The study of this three year course makes students aware of our cultural traditions and the subject of Indian/Punjabi culture. The objective of the study of Music, its education and performance is to impart training and performance skills to aspiring students of music. All along the course, the central focus of attention and related studies remains on developing the ability to give a good musical performance. The collective endeavour of all theory and practical study of the topics is to enrich the thinking, understanding and physical mechanism towards a better performance of Music.
Scope of the Subject
- Artist and Repertoire Person
- Band Leader.
- Composer/Arranger
- Music Attorney
- Concert Promoter
- Film Music Director
- Teacher
- Studio Musician
- Music Publisher
- Music Journalist
- Singer/Performer
Music Department of A.S.College, Khanna having Music Room with Following Musical Instruments.
5.Pati tarang
6.Keyboard casio
Prof. Yugal
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A(Music Vocal)
Specialisation: Music(Vocal)
Email Id:
Mb. 8194844390
Department Activities(Session 2024-25)
Music Department ' students performance during Celebration of Republic Day 26 January 2025

Music Department ' students performance during Celebration of Sanji Walta Diwas on November 2024

Department Activities(Session 2023-24)