1. Name of the department: Department of Chemistry
2. Year of Establishment: 1953
3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered Teaching of Chemistry
Post Graduation
MSc (Chemistry) No. of Seats : 40, Admission on the basis of PUPGCET
Under Graduate
B.Sc.-I (Medical & Non-Medical), B.Sc.-II (Medical & Non-Medical), B.Sc.-III (Medical & Non-Medical)
Add-on Programmes
Certificate Course in Industrial Chemistry
Diploma in Industrial Chemistry
Advance Diploma in Industrial Chemistry
4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved
MSc Chemistry (Semester I) Teaching of Biology for Chemists
Add-on Programmes with contribution from Department of Biology
Certificate Course in Industrial Chemistry
Diploma in Industrial Chemistry
5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise)
PG: Semester System
UG: Semester System
Add-on Courses: Annual System
6. Number of Teaching posts 05
Grant in Aid Associate Professor:02
Assistant Professor:03
No. of Years of Experience
Ravinder Jeet Singh
M.Sc. (Hons.), MBA, B.Ed.,
D.Pharma., UGC-NET
Organic Chemistry
Manpreet Kaur
M.Sc., Ph.D., UGC-NET
Inorganic Chemistry
Monika Thakur
Inorganic Chemistry
Yadwinder Singh Deol
M.Sc., Ph.D., UGC-NET
Organic Chemistry
Harmandeep Kaur
Physical Chemistry
Karsimran Singh
Physical Chemistry
7. Scholarships:
i. Chemistry Faculty Award
The award is sponsored by Faculty of Chemistry. A Rupees Five thousand scholarship, a memento and a certificate is given to the student who gets highest marks in a given year among all UG students in the subject of Chemistry. The department has distributed Rs. 30000/- so far. 6th Chemistry Faculty Award was awarded to Ms. Ishita in Prize Distrbution function held in April 2022.
ii. Professor M.S. Hundal Academic Excellence Award
The award is sponsored by Head of Department and Assoc. Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh. The award has been constituted in memory of his teacher and mentor Professor M.S. Hundal former Chairperson and Registrar GNDU, Amritsar. A Rupees five thousand cash award is given to a student getting first position in the college. The 2nd award was recently awarded to Ms. Simranjot Kaur for standing first in M.Sc. Chemistry in the year 2021. She also stood at 10th position in the university merit list.
08. Departmental projects funded by DST - FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received
The Department has availed a share UGC Funding under Promotion of Basic Science Research (BSR), one time assistance of INR 10 lac (F.No.4- 9/2010(BSR)-15-11(23)/2010) to NAAC Accredited Colleges, for up-gradation of labs in terms of electricity supply, water supply etc.
The Department has also availed a share of INR 6 lac for General lab Equipments out of a total grant of INR 50 lac sanctioned under UGC Scheme of Additional Assistance for Teaching-Learning Aids during 11th Plan Period.
A grant of INR 13 lac from DST, New Delhi for organizing First Inspire Science Internship Programme (January 03-07, 2012).
The Department has availed UGC-Grant of INR 10 lac for Career Oriented Programme of Industrial Chemistry (2011-2012). Ravinder Jeet Singh, Charn Kumar 2013 Higher Education in India: Issues and Challenges. Revitalizing Teacher Education for Nation Building: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Council for Tearcher Education (CTE): 109-113. ISBN: 978-93-80144-32-0.
Charn Kumar, Ravinder Jeet Singh, 2012 Vermicomposting of organic waste using Eisenia foetida (Savigny)
Toxic Trails of Punjab: Uranium, Heavy Metals and Pesticides: Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar: 72-78. ISBN: 978-93-80144-94-8
Manpreet Kaur, Susheela Rani, Ashok Kumar Malik and Jatinder Singh Aulakh, 2013 Microextraction by Packed Sorbent- High-Pressure liquid Chroamtographic- Ultraviolet Analysis of endocrine disruptor pesticides in various matrices. Journal of Chromatographic Science doi:10.1093/chromsci/bmt 136.
Manpreet Kaur, 2012 Achadirachtin: The natural pesticide from neem tree. Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Toxic Trails of Punjab: Uranium, Heavy Metals and Pesticides’: 120-124.
Manpreet Kaur, Ashok Kumar Malik and Baldev Singh, 2011 Determination of Phenylurea Herbicides in Tap Water and Soft Drink Samples by HPLC-UV and Solid-Phase Extraction. LCGC North America 29 (4): 338-347
Manpreet Kaur, Ashok Kumar Malik and Baldev Singh, 2011 Fourth Derivative Spectrophotometric Method for the determination of Fungicide Maneb using Sodium Molybedate. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2: 158-163.
Manpreet Kaur, Varinder Kaur, Ashok Kumar Malik, Neelam Verma, Baldev Singh and ALJ Rao, 2009 Development of a Derivative Spectrophotometric Method for the determination of Fungicide Zinc Ethylenebisthiocarbamate using Sodium Molybedate. Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society 5: 993
09. Areas of consultancy and income generated Skill Development Programme (2011-2012), Income Generated: INR 9300/-.
10. Faculty as members in
i. National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Board
Ravinder Jeet Singh is Chief Editor, Sapta Saroja (2016-2022)
Ravinder Jeet Singh Editor, English Section, Jawan Tarang, Magazine Published by Youth Welfare Department, PU Chandigarh
Ravinder Jeet Singh, Added Member Senate PU Chandigarh (2018-2022)
Ravinder Jeet Singh, Member Board of UG Studies, Chemistry, PU, CHD. 2018-20)
Ravinder Jeet Singh, Memerber BOS, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib.
Dr. Manpreet Kaur is Science Section Editor of Sapta Saroja, the Annual College Magazine.
Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Added Member Senate PU Chandigarh (2020-2022)
11. Student projects
i. Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme.
During the academic session (2011-2012) a group of 04 students from B.Sc.-II pursuing Industrial Chemistry were members of the team that undertook the designing and installation a PSLV Model in the college campus under leadership of Ravinder Jeet Singh. The students of the Department have prepared models of DNA Molecule, Water Rockets, Diamond Structure, Experimental Projects etc. (2011-2012). Some of students of the Department have also participated in Project Competitions organized by other institutions (Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh-IYC: 2011).
Our students are working on Essential Oil Extraction and Soap Making Projects. Workshops: Two Cheminformatics Workshops were organised in June 2021 and May 2022. 14 students participated in June 2021 and 7 seven students participated in May 2022 workshop. Students solved the primary structure of Insulin and successfully arranged 31 and 20 amino acids in Chain B and Chain A using Sanger’s method.The workshops were organised by Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh.
12. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students.
Best Poster Presentation Award; Dr. Manpreet Kaur, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Chemistry and Environment (NSRACE), Punajbi University, Patiala, Punjab (2010-2011).
Best Poster Presentation Award; Ravinder Jeet Singh, 3 rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala, Punjab (2010-2011).
Gagandeep Kaur, B.Sc.-I, achieved Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE), amounting INR 80,000/- per annum for Five Years (2012-2013).
The students of the Department have bagged all the First Three Positions in Poster Presentation in the UGC-sponsored National Seminar (2011-2012).
Karsimran Singh and Harpreet Singh, B.Sc.-III, got First Prize in [poster Making Competitions (Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh: IYC-2011).
13. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department.
Dr. R.S. Khandpur, Director General, Pushpa Gujral Science City (PGSC), Kapurthala (Punjab)
Dr. S.S. Parmar, Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (Punjab)
Dr. Man Singh, Professor and Dean, School of Chemical Sciences, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar (Gujarat)
Dr. Pawan K. Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (Haryana) Bikramjit Singh, Senior Medical Physicist cum Radiological Safety Officer, M.D. Oswal Multispeciality Cancer Hospital, Ludhiana (Punajb)
Dr. Jagir Singh, Ex-Director, CSIR Laboratory, Jorhat (Assam)
Dr. M.S. Kaurav, Head, Department of Applied Sciences, GGI, Khanna (Punjab)
Dr. Narpinder Singh, Professor & Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (Punjab)
Dr. Brijesh Pathak, Professor & Dean, Baba Farid Institute of Higher Education and Foreign Studies, Bathinda (Punjab)
14. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding
a. National:
National level seminar ‘Toxic Trails of Punjab: Uranium, Heavy metals and pesticides’ was organized in collaboration with the Department of Biology (March 01-02, 2012). Source of Funding: UGC, New Delhi.
First Inspire Science Internship Camp was organized in collaboration with Departments of Physics and Biology (January 03-07, 2012). Source of Funding: Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi.
15. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.?
Pawanpreet Kaur, Academic Session (2010-2011), obtained her M.Sc. Degree (2012- 2013) from Panjab University, Chandigarh and qualified UGC -NET.
Our Student Sandeep Kumar has completed Ph.D (Chemistry)in 2022 uner the guidance of Dr. Tejwant Singh from Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar. Recently, in the year 2021,
Our student Bulle Shah qualified JRF, and enrolled for Ph.D.(Chemistry) in IIT Ropar under the guidance of Dr. Narinder Singh, Professor of Chemistry.
Harjinder Singh qualified JRF in 2019 and enrolled for Ph.D at Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar
16. Details of Infrastructural facilities
a. Library
A total of 2689 Chemistry books & 09 relevant Journals/periodicals are available in the Central Library of the College.
As many as 197 books are at students’ disposal in the Departmental Book Bank facility.
The Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre facility provides access to 35 e-journals and 123 books in the subject of Chemistry.
Department has established a reference library with the help of students and faculty.
b. Internet facilities for Staff & Students
The Internet Facility is available for the staff and students in the Department itself.
This facility is also available in the UGC-Network Resource Centre established during 11th Five Year Plan in the Central Library of the college.
c. Class rooms with ICT facility
ICT facilities: Multimedia Projector, Portable Interactive White Board System, Overhead Projector, Screens, 35mm Slide Projector etc. are available in the Department. The portable facilities can be installed in the classrooms as per need.
d. Laboratories
Two well equipped chemistry labs, an instrument room with UPS Facility and Gas Supply Unit are available in the Department.
Important Equipments:
Double Beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer, VIS- Spectrophotometer, Conductometers, Flash Point Apparatus, pH-Meter, Potentiometer, Friability Test Apparatus, Digital Tablet Disintegration Machine, Flash Point Apparatus, Digital Polarimeter, Refractometers, Digital Weighing Balances, Distillation Apparatus, Two Desktop Computers with Printing Facility
17. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies
In order to fulfill the financial requirements of the needy students, 51 students of the B.Sc. (Non-Medical) have been provided financial help by the College (23 students), the University (12 students) and the Government (16 students).
18. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts
In addition to regular teaching, the Department arranges a variety of events for further enrichment of the students. Some of the such events undertaken during the past sessions include: lectures delivered on the occasion of UGC-sponsored National Seminar ‘Toxic-trails of Punjab’ (March 01-02, 2012); series of Enrichment Lectures delivered by eminent scientists visiting the Department during First Inspire Science Internship Camp (December 22-26, 2012); Second Inspire Science Internship Camp (January 03- 07, 2013); educational trips (Chankya Dairy Products, Gobindgarh on March 22, 2013; Renuka & Paonta on November 23, 2012; Markfed Industry, Khanna on October 18, 2012; Science City Kaputhala on November 28, 2009); Quiz Contest on Periodic Table & Spectroscopy, Poster Making & Photography Competition (PSCST, Chandigarh sponsored National Science Day, February 28, 2012 & February 27, 2013); International Year of Chemistry celebrations by organizing Project & Model Competition, Photography Competition, Poster Competition (November 25, 2011); Poster Competition (March 01-02, 2012); Photography Completion on Child Labour & Pollution (2010-2011); Workshop on Mathematics in Chemistry (February 12-13, 2009). With an aim of student enrichment in terms of developing good communication/writing skills, the Department is bringing out publication of Synthon and Campus Beat since 2009. The Department also offers a short-term Course on German Language in non-formal mode.
19. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning
Regular class tests & emphasis on practical work
Student assignments, seminars and classroom discussions
Use of different teaching-learning aids and multimedia
Making available the reference books for thorough understanding of concepts
Efforts to adopt Project Based Leaning (PBL) techniques
Field study tours/ industry visits for as prescribed in the University syllabi
20. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities
The students and teachers of the Department are actively involved in the Institutional Social Responsibility and Extension Activities carried out during every academic session. These activities include NSS Camps, Blood Donation Camps, Cycling Expeditions, Vanmahotsava, delivering extension lectures in other institutions, projects involving interaction with society etc. The Department is providing/has provided free consultancy for water quality analysis and creating social awareness about ill effects of poor water quality. During the NSS Camps (December 25-31, 2009; December 22-28, 2010; December 21-27, 2011; December 22-28, 2012), Departmental volunteers have extensively interacted with the villagers and have undertaken several social welfare/awareness works. Head of the faculty, Ravinder Jeet Singh himself has led the the Annual Cycling Expeditions (March 01, 2009; October 31, 2010; March 20, 2011) undertaken with an aim of spreading awareness about AIDS, Drug Addiction, Environmental Pollution, Deforestation and Energy Conservation. On the occasion of Blood Donation Camps (November 07, 2009; October 30, 2010; November 22, 2011; January 30, 2013) the students of the Department have donated their blood. For cause of social welfare and awareness, extension lectures are also delivered (Ravinder Jeet Singh: ‘Fast Food & slow Poisoning’, Govt. High School, Dehru, Ludhiana on May 30, 2013; workshop on ‘Chemistry through Experiments’, Asian College, Patiala on January 07, 2012; ‘Popular Science Lecture on Nuclear Energy’, NSS Camp at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Chajjli on December 27, 2011; ‘Past & Future of Nuclear Energy’, NSS Camp, A.S. college for Women on October 03, 2009).
21. SWOT analysis of the department and Future plans
The Department of Chemistry is playing a pivotal role in the science stream of The Department of Chemistry is playing a pivotal role in the science stream of the institution, as the subject is being pursued by both the medical, as well as, the nonmedical students. The dedicated team of seven members is committed to maintain a mutually cooperative and efficient work culture thus providing a resourceful learning atmosphere to the students. After the First Cycle of Accreditation, utilizing the financial assistance rendered under different schemes of UGC, New Delhi, the Department has undertaken many infrastructural improvement and upgradation steps including the installation of a Gas Supply Unit for its Labs; renovation of lab flooring, water supply & electrification and purchase of new equipment items. Recently, one of the faculty members, Manpreet Kaur has achieved her Doctorate Degree from Punjabi University, Patiala in 2013. The Departmental faculty is contributing in the core assignments of the institutions in academics and other co-curricular spheres. If there had been no ban imposed on recruitment of the sanctioned posts by the Government, the Department might have had the PG Programme by now. The Department had to stop the enrolment of students in UG Programme for want of some more classrooms with a greater seating capacity. In nutshell, there exists a scope for further expansion of the activity arena of the Department. It is expected that the Government is going to lift the ban on recruitment and the institution is determined to provide 02 more classrooms to the Department. The same has also been proposed in the XII Plan Proposal of the UGC, New Delhi. M.Sc Chemistry was introduced from the session 2018. Admission to MSc Chemistry is done on the basis of PUPGCET. In the first, second and third batch at least one of our students was ranked among top 10 positions of the University.

A sky watching star gazing event was organised by the Astronomy Club of A.S. College Khanna in the college stadium as public outreach activity on 11th April 2024. Students and common people saw the planet Jupiter and its satellites, Orion Nebula, Star Clusters M41 and M42 through 8 inch telescope. An activity on identification of constellations like Orion, Canis Major, Gemini, Taurus, Ursa Major was organised. Viewers also learnt how to locate North Star{Pole Star) in the sky. This activity was organised under the guidance of Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh convener of the Astronomy Club. He explained Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and light takes around eight and a half years to reach earth from Sirius. Also, a star cluster M41 is a part of the Canis Major constellation and is located 2300 light years from earth. It means light will take 2300 years to reach earth from M41 cluster. The players at the stadium were delighted to see a telescope in the stadium. Principal Dr. K.K Sharma also participated in this star gazing exercise and interacted with the former and present students of the college during the event.
BSc 3rd year students Mr. Shivam Saddi, Simranjot Singh and Nitish Kumar prepared a sun dial from plywood under the guidance of Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh and explained it’s working. Officiating principal Dr. K.K. Sharma emphasised the importance of such activities and said that it will be the endeavour of the college to organise these public outreach programmes for popularisation of science and astronomy. Dr. Sanjay Tawlani, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Monika Thakur, Dr. Manish Garg, Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol, Prof. Pulkit Khullar, Prof. Astha from Faculty of Science were present on the occasion.
A Quiz Competition was organized on 22nd February 2024 by the Chemical Society, Department of Chemistry, A.S. College Khanna. The competition this year is dedicated to the former faculty member of Chemistry Department, Prof. N.D Sardhana. This Competition was organized as a part of the different programmes being organized to celebrate the National Science Day.
Team Avogadro comprising of Akanksha, Jiya and Loveleen of BSc First year won the first prize, Team Rutherford comprising of Simranjit, Neha and Harleen of M.Sc Second (Chemistry) won second position, Team Fischer comprising of Taranjeet, Gurleen and Tamanna of B.Sc Second Year won the third position in the quiz competition. Agam, Puneet, Ramandeep, Simranjot, Harshpreet and Shivam Saddi had also qualified for the final round of the quiz. Dr. Manpreet Kaur anchored the programme. Dr.Yadwinder Singh Deol, Prof.Pulkit Khullar, Prof. Jasman and Prof. Astha were the quiz masters for 25 rounds of the quiz. Dr. Manish Garg Head of Physics Department asked questions related to Physics.
Winners of the quiz were felicitated by the principal Dr. K.K Sharma, Prof Ravinder Jeet Singh, Head of Chemistry Department and other members of the faculty. Principal Dr.K.K. Sharma congratulated the winners and expressed happiness over the zeal and enthusiasm of the participants. Dr. Monika Thakur passed a vote of thanks at the end of the programme.
A workshop was organised April 18-20, 2024 for advance learners. 16 Students participated in the workshop. Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol conducted a workshop on Chemdraw software a very versatile tool used by chemists to draw structures of molecules, determine IUPAC names, 3D Molecular Structures. Prof Ravinder Jeet Singh organised a workshop on arranging 51 amino acids in two polypeptide chains of Insulin. The technique was developed by F. Sanger, the Nobel laureate. Students also made a paper model of structure of Insulin. Anshika Moudgil, Palvi Kaushal, Prabhjot Kaur, Ramanpreet Kaur, Avneet Kaur, Arshdeep Kaur, Parmanjot Kaur, Niharika, Harshpreet Kaur, Lakshmi Kumari, Taranjot Kaur, Rupinder Kaur, Harmanpreet Kaur, Shivam Saddi, Simranjot Singh and Nitish Kumar successfully completed the workshop and were issued certificates.
Department of Chemistry oragnised a tour on 24th February 2024. 42 students of 41under the guidance of Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh, Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol, Prof. Astha and Prof Jasmanpreet participated in the tour. The students visited Nadha Sahib a historical Gurudwara, Barog and Pinjore Garden. Barog Railway station is one of the Heritage sites on Kalak Shimla Railway Track and is named after British Engineer Barog.
Another tour was organised under the leadership of Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol on 17th March 2024.42 Students of M.Sc. Chemistry and B.Sc. I participated in the tour. The students visited Sukhna Lake, Rock Garden, Fun City and Nadda Sahib.
Students of M.Sc Chemistry Excel in Academics
Jaskaran Singh Student of M.Sc. Chemistry of Batch 2021-23 got overall 3rd position in M.Sc. Chemistry examination of Panjab University, Chandigarh. He was invited to the Convocation of the university held on 7th Match 2024 at the university campus.
Divya Dange of MSc Chemistry 2022 Batch qualified GATE and UGC JRF (Rank 31) and was selected for PhD by IIT Ropar in March 2024. She also received offer letters from IIT Mumbai and IISC Bangalore.
Pulkit Khullar and Komalpreet also qualified the GATE 2024. Simranjit Kaur, the Faculty member of the Chemistry Department for the session 2023-24 qualified JRF examination and got admission to PhD in Chemistry at NCL Pune. She was students of BSc (2016-19) of A.S. College Khanna.
Seema a student of M.Sc Chemistry (2021-23) has been selected for PhD at University of Kentucky Lexington (US).
Activities 2021-22
Inter-Institutional Science Fair
The students of M.Sc. Chemistry brought laurels to the Department of Chemistry by bagging top positions in various events in the Inter-Institutional Science Fair held at Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala on 14th November 2021 under the leadership of Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol. Ms. Divya and Ms. Dinky, students of M.Sc.-2nd year won 1st prize in the working model category, Mr. Jaskaran and Praise (Both from M.Sc. 1st year) remained successful in bagging 3rd position in the static model category. Two more students, Mr. Rahul and Ms. Vasu, students of M.Sc.-1 got participation certificates in the Poster making competition.

Declamation Contest
The Chemical Society organised a declamation contest on the topic-‘Humans will Soon become Slaves of Machines’ on November 23, 2021. 21 students of B.Sc. and M.Sc. Chemistry participated in the contest. The contest was organised by Prof. Monika Thakur and Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol. Dr. Sanjay Talwani, Head of Biology Department and Dr. Manish Garg, Head of Physics Department were the judges for the contest. Ms. Komal of B.Sc III, Mr. Harshdeep Tiwari of BSc III and Mr. Saddi of B.Sc. I won first, second and third positions respectively in the contest.
Chemistry Faculty Award
6th Chemistry Faculty Award was awarded to Ms. Ishita Aggarwal for scoring highest marks in Chemistry among all UG students of the college in the Annual Prize Distribution function organised on 29th April 2022. The prize carries a cash award of Rs. 5000, a trophy and a certificate. The prize money is contributed by Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Prof. Monika Thakur, Dr. Rawel Singh and Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol
Professor M.S. Hundal Academic Excellence Award
Ms. Simranjot Kaur of MSc Chemistry got the 2nd Prof. M.S. Hundal Academic Excellence Award in the Annual Prize Distribution function organised on 29th April 2022. She stood first in the college and got 10th position in the University in MSc Chemistry 2021 examinations. The prize carries a cash award of Rs. 5000, a trophy and a certificate. The award is sponsored by Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh in memory of his mentor and teacher Dr. M.S. Hundal former faculty and chairperson of Chemistry Department Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar.
Cheminformatics Workshop
Two day workshop on Cheminformatics Workshop was organised on 17th and 18th May 2022. Seven students of BSc III participated in the workshop. Students learnt the application of Sanger’s method for solving the peptide structure of Insulin. Students successfully arranged the 51 amino acids in Chain A and Chain B of Insulin. Participants were also given an introductory knowledge of Avogadro Software, Protein Explorer, MDL Chime for 3D modeling of molecules by Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh. Deepak Kumar (Roll No 3312), Utkarsh Maurya (Roll No 3306), Harjot Singh (Roll No 3002), Neha (Roll No 2908), Prabhjot Singh (Roll No 3303), Harmanjot Singh (Roll No 3310) and Raj Kumar (Roll No 3319) of BSc III participated in the workshop.
Educational Tour I
Chemical Society organised an educational trip to Barog, Solan on May 01, 2022. 42 students of 1st and 2nd Year of M.Sc. Chemistry accompanied by Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol, Dr. Rawel Singh, Prof. Monika Thakur, Dr. Manpreet Kaur and Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh went to the Railway Station Barog. Barog Tunnel (1100meters) is the longest tunnel on Kalka Shimla railway track. The bus departed from Samrala Chowk Khanna at 5.00 am. Students also visited Gurudwara Nadda Sahib and Mansa Devi en route to Barog. Students also went on trek of nearly 2km in search of the old tunnel. It is said that the tunnel was being build under the guidance of Er. Barog. The tunnel was supposed to be the longest tunnel in the world at that time. There was an error in calculation as tunnel was being built from both ends. But the ends of the tunnel did not meet and a fine of Rupee 1 was imposed on Er. Barog. Mr. Barog committed suicide using his revolver. The railway station and the village was named after Er. Barog as a mark of respect towards him. Students had dinner at Katani Dhaba. The bus fare from Khanna to Brog cost us Rs. 20000. The driver was very nice and Cooperative.
Educational Tour II
Department of Chemistry and Physics jointly organised a trip for BSc students. 42 students of BSc 3rd year went on a trip to Barog and Pinjore Garden on May 2022. The students were accompanied by Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Prof. Monika Thakur, Dr. Rawel Singh and Dr. Yadwinder Singh Deol from Department of Chemistry. Prof. Jasdeep Kaur from Physics Department and Dr, Charn Kumar from Biology Department also accompanied the students. We reached Pinjore Garden at 6.00 p.m. However students were a bit disappointed as fountains were not fully functional due to falling number of visitors.. It has been like this since COVID restrictions were imposed and also due to falling number of visitors.
World Environment Day
The 8th Cycling Expedition of A.S. College Khanna since 2002 was organised today to mark World Environment Day as well as World Bicycle Day. A contingent of sixteen students and teachers was flagged off by the officiating principal, Dr. K.K. Sharma, at 5.00 a.m. on Sunday, 5th November 2022 .NCC students also actively participated in the event. The cyclists carried placards for the promotion of cycling, a pollution-free environment and better health. The students visited the historic Gurudwara Shri Manji Sahib Kottan and Sarai Lashkar-e-Khan under the leadership of Prof. Ravinder Jeet Singh and Dr. Rawel Singh. The contingent travelled a distance of 50km on their bicycles. Students were interviewed by Dr. Charn Kumar on the way. This event was organised as a part of the celebration of 75 years of Independence- Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.
German Language Course
Simranjot Singh, Roll No 2013 and Ramanpreet Kaur, Roll No 1803 of BSc Ist year have successfully completed the course and qualified the German Language Exam in Non formal mode.